Large estates partnership

Influencer marketing formula, reserved for major wine estates and associated brands

The network Occitania vineyards is administered by certified stakeholders Master Level "South of France", (equivalent WSET level 2/3). It helps to support and strengthen the notoriety of wine estates under PDO or IGP appellations present in the region. Occitania.

Master Level South of France

Why become a partner?

When you become a partner, we insure all year round promoting your vineyard and its associated brands on the site Occitania vineyards as well as on all networks Facebook et Instagram related. You thus comfort your seat at theregional scale by associating your wine production and your wine tourism attractiveness to the influence of the keyword Occitania.

What are our commitments?


On the site Occitania vineyards

Establishment of a advertising insert with direct forwarding to your commercial site, positioned at the top of our page dedicated to your appellation (or your preferred appellation in the case of belonging to several PDO or IGP)

Creating a page dedicated to your vineyard and its brands fed by information gathered during a report on site. We structure your presentation into three themes:

  • history of the wine estate;
  • grape varieties, vinification methods and breeding methods;
  • synthetic highlighting of the domain's productions and its associated brands.

This promotional page is accompanied by information allowing to contact you directly et to geolocate you :

  • Internet link direct to your commercial site;
  • mention of phone number and address ;
  • integration of a link allowing geolocate the domain on Google Maps and GPS.

Note that your personal page is also accessible from each of the appellations (PDO and IGP) to which you are attached. It is also the subject of a promotion for several weeks on our page " Winemakers in the spotlight Â».

We also value your certifications:

Specialized in SEO, we apply to place your page in the best possible place on search engines, Google in the first place.


Influence strategies on social networks

16 160

currently subscribers

facebook and instagram logos

Development throughout the year of 5 cuvées representative of your domain or your brands on our two windows Instagram :

We take care of carrying out in our studios or in natural environment the photographs of the 5 vintages that you have chosen to promote and that you have made available to us for this purpose. This allows us to translate the typicities of your wines through attractive images which also express the specificities and qualities of your terroirs.

We are also expanding community outreach by simultaneously relaying our Instagram posts on our page Facebook.

When you are present on social networks, we set up with you or in coordination with your communication managers influencing strategies that allow you to reach our audiences and accelerate the development of your subscriber community.

Annual fee


All services included

Our status being associative, we provide all of these valuation and support services through a annual fee set at 550 €.

Contact us

by telephone

by form

  • +06 (68)35 55 55 XNUMX XNUMX
  • +06 (12)30 21 02 XNUMX XNUMX